Saturday, October 23, 2010

For the record...

For the record, I can't wait to get back on my bike. I can hear her calling my name from afar. I was just laughing at myself about how everything I love is my favorite. My truly MY FAVORITE. CARPE DIEM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


About yesterday today:

Well, I started this blog a year ago, in an attempt to begin writing again. As you can see, over the course of a year, the garden is thin in entries. My first thought at re-birth in entry, is about yesterday...and then my cougar experience came to mind. And I mean a real cougar in the woods, not Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.

My mood tells me to save the cougar entry for another day...

More about yesterday...

I decided to get out in late afternoon for a walk along a dirt trail, which connects to Balboa Park. It sits up high and you can see out to the ocean and the beautiful Coronado Bridge, that scrapes across the sky in a pretty white abstract from afar. As I walked, I talked with my friend Leese, while visually multi-tasking nature. What I discovered was entirely magnificent. There is truly nothing like the feeling of stupendous childhood memories. Along the edge of the dirt path are some dried out shrubs with minimal amount of moisture at the root. Embedded everywhere within the stick like shrub, were SNAILS. I discovered a snail sanctuary! Tons and tons of living snails, hanging on to the comfort of the twiggy shrubs. They were everywhere, all along the path and painted in a white and pail grayish color. I stopped in my tracks and squatted down for a better look and it was the most amazing creation of memory embedded deep in my brain.

When I was a little girl, I would walk around the yard and sometimes beyond...collecting mass amounts of snails in a very large bucket. I would literally gather snails until the bucket was to the brim with them. THEN, I would make a snail city, I would line them up, have them inside imaginary homes, give them names and even line the big ones up next to tiny ones. I would tell my friends with grand entry like exclamation " WOW, LOOK, THESE TWO JUST HAD 5 BABIES!" And when my friends would ask in disbelief or perhaps genuine curiosity..."How did they have babies?" I would matter of fact state...duhh, they Humped! Yes, these snails hump and made all these 5 babies. Indeed, I was like 5 or so and I'm sure I heard the word hump from the boys at the bus stop. Just like I learned the middle finger means a bad word when you stick it up, hump meant babies.

Anyway, I had a grand time in my childhood, making friends with snails and creating a city for them. And yesterday was just as grand in the memory of it all, way back when. A yesterday came in to my today and I loved it, it brought me great happiness. Often times, since my dad entered another universe beyond our naked eyesight...I believe I've seen many things to let me know he's out there. This is not to say I think he's morphing into snails, slugs, butterflies, bunnies, cool snakes, cougars, owls, or deer. This is to say, my best memories with my dad are playing in nature and really SEEING things in a different light. I believe there is a connection to the lovely sights in nature I am honored with. As if my dad is saying hello in a way only I would know.

Until next time, I will of course leave you with some music;-)